Everything really is coming up roses for Christina Brown.

Q: Where did you grow up? What was your family like? What was your best holiday tradition?

A: I was born in Lake Wales, Florida. My father was a park ranger, so I lived in a state park until I was in high school. I am the oldest child with a younger sister and brother. I graduated from Astronaut High School in Titusville where I loved hosting parties on Saturday nights which usually meant 30-50 people. My family was always very close, and we still are. We enjoyed gathering on my Grandparent’s farm with old-fashioned Thanksgivings and Christmases. Now I am the host. I have 21 people coming to my house for Thanksgiving.

I am blessed to still have some of those friends from elementary, high school and college, in my life. I excelled in school and loved my time at UF where I thrived and felt I matured. The classes and internships prepared me well for what I do today.

Q: You have a degree in horticulture from UF. There are so many directions you could have gone. How did you end up in retail flower design?

A: It’s funny because I said the only thing in horticulture that was of no interest was working in a retail flower shop because of the uncertainty with sales. However, one of my electives was floral design and enjoyed it. I was asked to be a Teacher’s Assistant the following year and I ended up with a good foundation in floral. The horticulture club at UF took trips to Costa Rica and Holland that expanded my view of the field; however, since I wanted consistency in my daily work, I started my career at the Grand Cypress in landscaping as a project manager of the property. I was responsible for planning the annual flowers for the resort’s 45 garden beds plus baskets and planters. The heat got to me and I was offered a job with Greenery Productions where I managed and interior plant division. I married and moved here and felt it was a good type to own my own company -- Roses are Red. Later, I added Violets in Bloom, which had space for flowers for larger events and weddings.

Q: You own and operate two flower businesses in the area and have a five-year-old. How do you relax and rejuvenate?

A: I love what I do, and I have good family support. I have a talented, experienced staff that is willing to put in extra time when needed. My husband works from home and helps with my son whenever needed. Both my mom and sister come for my two busiest holidays, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. We crank up the music, bring in food, and enjoy time together as we prepare the many orders for delivery. Each weekday morning, I meet with my mom early for a walk in Wickham Park. This really helps me process what I need to do and vent any frustrations. My husband and I are able to take several vacations a year, and our son is getting old enough that it is actually enjoyable to take him with us (or leave with grandma for an international trip).

Q: Business aside, what do you love about flowers?

A: I love their beauty and the happiness it brings to those receiving them. It is also an outlet for my creativity. There is something truly beautiful about something that is only beautiful for a short time—you must be in the moment to enjoy them.

Q: Everybody wants to know how to keep flowers fresh. After water, what’s the next big free tip?

A: We buy quality stock and process them using the latest research on best practices. Clean water, using a flower food supplement, and keeping the stems trimmed allow the water to rehydrate the flower for a longer lasting arrangement. You need to keep those water tubes within the stem clear and open. Bacteria and fungus will grow in the water and will clog those mini tubes. Keeping that water clean and trimming the ends of the stems to keep those unclogged as well. If your flowers start to wilt, change water with warm water and trim the stems. Warm water is easier for flowers to take up. Do not store your flowers in the refrigerator. A food refrigerator is less than 20% humidity; floral fridges are at 80%. Yor flower will wilt more quickly in a food refrigerator than at room temperature, even with humidity. Do keep flowers out of drafts and out of the sun. Just like good skin, it’s all about hydration!

Q: It may be odd, but I like to visit grocery stores in other towns. What do you tend to focus on when you travel?

A: Funny you should ask that question. My husband’s family always tour state capitals and capital buildings. He didn’t know until he was older that most kids weren’t doing the same thing. For us, it seems like if there is a botanical garden, a cave, or a hiking trail we are going on it. My son associates vacation with visiting gardens. He’ll learn later that not every kid does that on vacation.

Q: People buy flowers for the typical holidays, but there must be an unusual person out there. Tell us a funny or heart-warming story about a customer experience.

A: One Mother’s Day, a loyal customer called just as we were closing up. We were practically sold out of everything. He told me he had just snuck out of his wife’s baby shower for their first child. During the shower, he realized he should have bought flowers for Mother’s Day. He felt terrible and asked if there was any way I could help him. We took all the quality flowers left and made a beautiful and creative large arrangement. My mom and sister were on board, and we all delighted in crashing the baby shower to deliver the arrangement to him to present to his wife in front of everyone. He earned big brownie points but, best of all, she never knew that he didn’t order them specifically to arrive that way.

Q: Favorite musician, movie and/or book?

A: As a child I usually read a book a day. I’m a big reader. Going to the library was a favorite and still is. Having a girl’s night out, watching a movie at the theater, and eating junk food like corn dog nuggets is the best. My favorite book series is the Green Rider series by Kristen Britain. It’s a bit Tolkenish, but the author is inspired by new world nature as she was a park ranger in the northeast US. Of course, the best movie is the Princess Bride (yes, I know pretty much every word).

Q: Your biography book title would be……

A: The girl who never stopped talking.


Pipeline Newsletter NOV 29


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