
Is it hot enough for you? August is always a transition time. Kids have returned to school. Some people are vacationing just ahead of hurricane season. Turtle season wraps up in a couple of months. It seems like real life is treading water until September, and the first cool breeze, comes to town. My dogs go out, but want to get back into the air conditioning before too long.

What did you do during your summer?

The launch of this website was less than eight weeks ago, and it’s going strong, in spite of August. In a town of about 3,000 people, the site gets about 1,000 hits a day with over 4,000 sets of eyeballs having visited the site since ~July 10. It has 274 Facebook likes and 328 followers (about 10% of the population if you want to look at it that way in under eight weeks). The hotels are sharing the site because they get asked all the time and never had anything to share with guests. Plus, this blog has 65 subscribers. Not bad for out of the gate.

Next up is a directory that acts like a flipbook online. More on that later.

Homer beating the heat


A Chat with Gregory & Lesa Daniels


Garden Club by the Sea